Frühstückstisch im Hintergrund mit dem Text im Vordergrund: Good Morning. Gedanken zum Wochenstart. Jeden Montag um 7:00 Uhr über Zoom<br/>Meeting-ID: 989 4360 5207<br/>Kenncode: GEDANKEN<br/>Und das Logo der Citypastoral Ulm © Citypastoral Ulm, Quelle: Citypastoral Ulm
Religion picture gallery

Monday 31.03.2025

07:00 AM - 07:15 AM


89073 Ulm

Good Morning

Thoughts for the week

Start your week relaxed with some words and thoughts to a song, a picture or a story. It doesn't matter if you're still in your PJs, sitting at the breakfast table or already on your way to work. Everyone is welcome for a 10-15 minute meeting for a calm start into the week with ideas that can go with us through the whole week. You can log in to Zoom with the following ID and passcode: Meeting-ID: 989 4360 5207 Passcode: GEDANKEN


Venue Organizer
